
L - Dog Figurine Urns

L - Dog Figurine Urns
Dog Urns made of solid hardwood with life-like figurines. This category is for dog breeds that start with the letter 'L', like Labs or Labradors.

L - Dog Figurine Urns

Black Lab Laying Figurine Cremation Urn
Black Lab with Red Ball Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Black Dog Figurine Urn
Labrador, Black Sitting Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Black Standing Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Black, Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Black, Long Hair, Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Bronze Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Bronze, Long-haired Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Chocolate Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Chocolate Laying Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Chocolate Sitting Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Golden Laying Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Yellow Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Yellow Laying Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Yellow Sitting Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Yellow Standing Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Yellow-Red Laying Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Labrador, Yellow-White Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Landseer Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso Dog Figurine Urn
Lhasa Apso Gold Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso Standing Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso Yellow Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso Yellow-White Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Black Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Blk & Tan Dog Figurine Urn
Lhasa Apso, Blonde Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Bronze  Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Brown, Puppycut  Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Gray Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Gray, Puppycut Dog Figurine Cremation Urn
Lhasa Apso, Red Dog Figurine Cremation Urn